Friday, December 24, 2010

The Goddess speaks:

The Goddess speaks:

It is December 22nd, 2010, and the big news of the day is that there was actually a third type of early humanoid, Denisovan who coexisted with Neanderthals and humans, and that the DNA of all three were mixed because of inter-mating. That might explain why some humans have the ability to think logically and others cannot. I mean who could believe that a male species of one life form created the entire universe? It is the vast universe, of course, that enabled life forms to evolve, not the other way around. And when life forms on earth evolved to have consciousness; thousands of years later, the some of the males of homo sapiens imagined that their creator of the universe looked just like them - smelly, sweaty, belching and farting. Please, I think the universe could do better than that "if" it wanted to designate a life form to represent it. I hope that someday our anthropologists will be able to explain to us why some homo sapiens have a problem with reason and logic. Perhaps a section of DNA that is missing?

And thinking of missing logic we have the pope trying to comment on birth control. Hey buddy, it is 2,000 years overdo that someone told you that is a woman's thing. As the Goddess, I speak for my women and their children. And I do not want a world of starving and dying children -
30,000 every day. Birth control is the right of my women. There is enough suffering in this world without you always trying to add to it. Your holy see has never had the will to control or hold accountable your pedophile clergy so why would anyone imagine that you are in a place to comment on morality? Again it must be that missing gene in some of us that replaces logic with fantasy. If my women can get over their posttraumatic stress disorder from your 500-year Inquisition, your rein of terror, they will be able to gather their thoughts and their courage and sweep you out of culture. Then our world will start to heal because the mothers of my human species will no longer be degraded and oppressed by men in women's clothes. I think of my children who have had to find out what is really under your women's robes. All your pomp and circumstance, all your self-righteous blather cannot hide the crimes against my children, by the organization you represent. And all the fancy gowns and stupid hats that you guys pile on cannot disguise the misogyny and child abuse that has historically been the foundation of your cult. While your clergy is sexually abusing children, they are begging or demanding money from their mothers and fathers. Unbelievable!

End note: The Catholic Church will be most remembered for it's obsession with burning human beings alive. One human being burned alive is too many of course. That is not excusable nor can it be reasoned away. However, an estimate by several scholars of the number of innocents who went to their death this way by order of the Holy See is 9 million. The Inquisition started in the early 1300s hundreds and lasted until the early 1700s. And not only did Catholics burn, Protestants also burned and hung innocent women and their children. The Inquisition came to America with the Puritans who continued to declare women witches and murder them. It seems that the god of these deranged men can never get enough of the suffering of my children. Shouldn't the mothers of the human race chase all gods away? What are we waiting for?

I have an effigy of the pope which I tip over every December 25th in remembrance of one brave woman, Susanna Miaolo. She brought the pope to the level he deserves to be at on
December 25th of 2009. Let's remember her and regain our dignity and place in the societies that we created. Those of us who contain the logic gene in our DNA must lead the way.

Sources: Bernard Braxton Sex and Religion in Oppression

The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology

Rosalind Miles, The Women's History of the World,

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