Saturday, November 27, 2010

Connecting Dots to Peace

Title: Connecting the dots to peace.

Composed by: Woman of Wisdom

Some of us have been smart enough or just lucky enough to have gained information that freed our minds from religious enslavement. Yes, I know, our parents thought they were protecting us by keeping us within the boundaries of our own ethnic groups through religious indoctrination. But we are not tribal anymore, and we don’t need that kind of protection. And of course we go to a church building because we need to feel we have friends there. However; change to a different denomination, and your church friends will believe that the devil (a figment of fanatic, enslaved minds) has led you away from their denomination and that you are on your way to hell (another invention of deranged minds). It is a shame that religion attracts so many insecure people by using the carrot of pretend friendship.

And yes, bishops, ministers, rabbi, and imams try to imagine comforting messages in their manuals. You know, don’t actually read your manual, let a religious leader “interpret” it for you. If you read the various god manuals skeptically you would be horrified. In our present world, the men who carried out the violence as documented in their manuals would be serving life sentences for crimes against humanity. Those manuals of fantastic stories of violence to other groups of humans and misogyny towards women were written millennia ago. In those times, disease was believed to be caused by demons, the sun went down in the west every night; and people were afraid that if the proper rituals were not preformed, that it would not return. And the same for winter solstice when the sun seemed to be going away. But now we know better, and we know that the earth isn’t flat and that it was not created in six days. So why are too many humans still enslaving their minds with the other bizarre stories that are in the god manuals? And why is the Pope still traveling around the world trying to convince people that homosexuals are less than heterosexuals because ancient men said so and then wrote their nasty thoughts in a book called the bible? Too bad those same ancient men did not think to write that sexually molesting children was an offense to their pretend god also. But quite to the contrary, the
Holy See has acted to hide their pedophile priests and bishops while paying off the thousands of victims to keep them quiet. Sometimes a few of the victims slip through the Vatican cracks and we are aware of their true stories. And I personally knew a man whose life was ruined by childhood molestation by a Catholic priest. He has never been able to recover and lead a normal and happy life. How many lost souls are there just like the man I knew who literally lost their lives in order to temporarily satisfy the sexual perversions of pedophile priests and bishops.

And in all god religions women are suppose to believe that they are powerless to protect their children from things like sexual molestation and war. By that I mean the mothers who submit their children to Catholic priests and also believe that they must allow their sons and daughters to fight the wars of the wealthy. Mothers you have the power to say “no.” In fact, it is your only duty and responsibility to protect your children from any kind of harm. And your husband has no authority or right to take that power from you. Your power comes from nature and no amount of writing by Jewish scribes and priesthoods can take that away.

I want to tell those who have been indoctrinated into god religions that is it ok to believe in reality. You don’t need to believe in a deity who you hope will bless you while he has forgotten the millions of your brothers and sisters around the world. My antipathy came when I traveled to Mexico and saw all the sick and dying children there. I was very angry at myself for having been so naive all my life. Some people are smart enough even when they are children to realize that the god stories are lies. But not myself. I had heard the stories told by ministers how god cared for all his children. But if one actually reads that horrible manual the facts are that god demanded the murder of all the nations of people who the Hebrew tribes wanted to take their land, gold, silver, and sometimes their virgin girls. How convenient. And how very sadistic to order the murder of infants in front of their parents. I know that if anyone read the accounts of the sadistic murder of women, children, infants, and pregnant women that god demanded, they would be repulsed. That is why the religious leaders warn people away from actually reading those manuals. Life is what is holy, the bible is the opposite of holy. I will point you to just a few places in the bible where those crimes against humanity demanded by a pretend god are described in horrid detail: Numbers 31, Deuteronomy 7, Joshua 6:21 “They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it - men, women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys,” Joshua 10-12, Psalm 137:9, Nahum 3, and Zephaniah. Much of the Old Testament is a record of how the Hebrew tribes tried to justify to themselves the genocides they carried out in order to plunder what belonged to other nations of people.

And for any bible apologists who would like to pretend that things got a little less cruel in the
New Testament, let me remind you that the New Testament is only 17 % of the bible; and in that 17%, there is the crucifixion of a son while a helpless mother looks on and also the continued degradation of women in general. Paul who is the major player in the New Testament had the traditional Jewish hatred of women which would later be even further embellished by the Holy See.

And why do I care? Because god religions have caused centuries too much of strife, bloodshed, and murder between humans. There is nothing good, noble, or kind about god religions. And yes, I know there are the food cupboards and the token handouts given to people in other countries more often than not to entice them to also become part of one’s religious tribe. And let me remind you that the religious leaders all live extremely well, and the political leaders who support them live like kings. They do not go without like their sages and prophets were said to. We have governments now and it is their job to insure that no one goes without the necessities of life. And we should demand that our governments do their job. God religions do not have the power or the will to care for the needy. That is obvious as 30,000 children a day die from starvation and disease. And that is not only in third world countries, there is plenty of hunger and homelessness here in America. And it is always the children who suffer the most from the gods’ neglect and the gods’ wars. God religions are so harmful that we should have evolved beyond them centuries ago. But the majority of us have been indoctrinated into tribal thought.
I would like to scream to “Grow up and evolve because we are all the same human family and must cooperate with each other if we are to continue to live in this very fragile ecosystem.” And because we have nuclear waste and nuclear bombs we cannot cling to a god/tribal mentality.
I have heard the illegal settlers on Palestinian land say that god said that was their land. Again, how convenient. What a silly pretense in hopes of making an excuse for their land theft.

And another god myth is that things were always this way. This this is how men behave.
But that is also a lie. They never teach in public schools about pre-god religions. And do you know why? Because the pre-god deity was female. Of course She was a nurturing mother who loved all Her children. She had many different names because She had existed for millennia the world over, and no one questioned that creation was mother, was female. There was an estimated 600,000 years of a kinder, saner way to live. But with the creation of surplus came greed. It was easy for the nomadic tribes to pillage what defenseless, agricultural, goddess tribes had; and so, the violent thunder and war gods were created by men who are believed to have originated in the Russian steeps. Women would have and did cling to their peaceful mother deity. For just one example, the temple of Artemis at Ephesus in present day Turkey was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. A few of the structures of that massive temple still exist to this day. So that women were eventually enslaved by the men of their own tribes. And to completely erase the memory of anything Goddess and female from the human psyche was the job of the inquisitors. The Inquisition lasted 500 years. That is also something that will never be taught in public or religious schools. One must be fortunate enough to reach college to get information such as that. And you must also be inquisitive enough to enroll in fields of study such as anthropology. And that is why wealthy Republicans always cut grants for college educations. First, they don’t care about people less fortunate then they are; and secondly, they need the majority of our people to remain in the dark and do the menial work they require for almost no pay. Every day in America, more Americans lose a living wage job. Plus the wealthy need their armies of the poor to fight their wars.

And of course the sky god men are still clinging to power. That is why god religions are the only businesses that are tax exempt. National leaders need their preachers of god religions to keep the masses of people malleable. The majority of minds cannot be free, cannot be able to reason and think if the wealthy are to maintain their immense wealth and power. The majority of minds must be crammed full of gobble de gook god talk. And while it may make many feel good and protected and loved to meet in a large building with other people who have agreed to share the same delusion; know that, that is a tribal need. You are giving in to the lest desirable traits of your species, not the best. When you realize that the truth is the one thing you should desire in your life, then the world will start to go back to being peaceful and sane. You can fill up a need in your life to be with other humans by celebrating the seasonal holidays like your ancient Goddess ancestors did and which we still do. For example, Easter was really the celebration of spring and the Goddess Estore. Same for all of our other holidays which have quite amusingly been Christianized. It doesn’t work. You can’t take woman and her Goddess out of humanity and still have a story that makes sense. And when I write the word “Goddess” I do not see Her outside of myself. We speak for the Goddess as men speak for their god, but we do not pretend that She exists outside of ourselves. She is the best of women, the best of what we use to be before being terrorized by the men of gods. The figure of nine million women and children has been given by scholars as being the number of victims of the torture and murder by the inquisitors from their 500 year's reign of terror by both the Catholic and Protestant clergy across Europe.

And by the way, there are so many great books that tell the truth about everything Goddess and woman. You can find them in libraries and bookstores under mythology, or women’s studies because the god men will not allow them to be listed under religion. Gods are a very sad substitute for Goddess so that they cannot afford to have that competition. Most of the ranting of the Old Testament was about destroying the Goddess, her priestesses referred to as temple prostitutes and harlots, and the thousand of Goddess statutes referred to as graven or pagan images. For just one example Jezebel of the Old Testament was not a heretic, she was worshiping the Goddess of her people. And all the ancient history that was recorded and housed at the great library at Alexandria, Egypt, was of course burned by Christian monks. They contained the writing of women sages and scholars. And they were proof that it was women who laid all the foundations for culture to evolve. It was women who were exalted not their male offspring. See The Women’s History of the World by Rosalind Miles.

I was told in a grocery store by a stranger, a very elderly woman in the cat food isle, that I was going to hell because I did not believe what was in her book, the bible. So I said in the nicest way possible that many more books have been written since that large manual was put together by ancient men thousands of years ago. For just one, I recommended Barbara G. Walker’s books. The very elderly woman asked me to repeat Walker’s name for her. I felt a tiny spark of inquisitiveness when she asked me to repeat the name of that most excellent researcher. I believe that all humans are good and that there are many just like I was who only know what they have been indoctrinated into. And that is why I am posting this blog. I am aware of the inherent goodness of humans that is only destroyed by intentional lies perpetrated by conniving men with agendas. For example, humans have an inherent taboo against killing their own species. That natural instinct not to murder their own kind must be taught out of them by “military training.” And it starts with our little boys being desensitized to violence by things like hunting and all the stories of heroes who do violent things. The conniving men with agendas knowingly use other human beings to gain both wealth and power. And without god religions, there would be no gods to support the wars of the wealthy. God religions, war, and patriotism always go hand and hand. It is all one horrible package deal. And the not wealthy suffer from those three evils while the wealthy profit from them. This is not the kind of society I wanted to live in. And I have a right to demand a safe earth for myself and for all women and children. I know that earth can be beautiful again when the gods have been chased away.

I was surprised when our anthropology teacher drew a pyramid of how culture is created. At the very bottom of the pyramid was religion. She said that everything else rested on that. So that if you have the violent god religions that we are stuck with now, then your culture will be one of violence. If a female deity was at the bottom of the pyramid, violence could not exist. And if we could evolve beyond a need for any archetypes, then humans could recognize that our deities are archetypes and that we must look to ourselves to make our world what we want it to be. We would put resources into curing diseases, ending starvation, making birth control available to all women who want it, save the only environment that we have, and not fund wars of acquisition. Sanity would take the place of the insanity that we now live under pretending that it isn’t here. When adults pretend to believe in absurd stories that is willful ignorance for lazy minds. And a man once told me that he needed religion because the world was so crazy. Then get rid of gods, and the world will not be crazy. That is the very first step we must take toward peace. And it amuses me when the god men of the various god religions gather to agree that they can get along because they know that they are all in the same business of selling god lies and justifying wars for corrupt national leaders. They are all a bunch of hoodlums who for centuries have preyed on uneducated people. How many times has it been said that the poor are the cannon fodder for the wars of the wealthy? But somehow that never registers with the destitute who see the military as the only job that is available to them. They believe that the military will give them the housing, food, and small pay they need in return for their risking their lives and becoming killers. And too often the parents of these unfortunate children feel that the risk their children are taking is worth it. It was Cindy Sheehan who tried so hard to warn other mothers not to become the grieving mother that she is.

This blog will be updated on the earth religion holidays, which is what our secular holidays are about because I write a little something to my women friends on those holidays. Also, I would appreciate it if you avail yourself of some knowledge from books written in this century by authors such as Barbara G. Walker, Merlin Stone, Kurt Vonnegut, and Rosalind Miles. There
are hundreds of wonderful researchers that you can find in women’s studies or mythology. I do not want to hear from people like the elderly woman in the grocery store who only has one book. I do not recognize any of the god manuals as any different from other books written by humans. I could just as well claim divine revelation for writing this essay as did the men who wrote their manuals which established them at the top of all creation. Again, how convenient for them. If we say that divinity is female, a mother image, would priests, rabbis, and imams acquiesce to worship Her? We know the answer to that because what they are interested in is dominance. And a female created each one of those men from her body because nature gave only females the power to create. Their mothers are the living Goddess in their lives. Crazy stories can’t change that. To me, those men are arrogant, puffed-up buffoons. They are the king with no clothes.

But of course there are some terrible mothers for sons and daughters to hate. In a war state, it is very hard not to be a terrible mother. If you don’t let your priest, husband, and the war state system rule over your mind, there are consequences to pay. But for many mothers, having our children alive is worth any consequences. Just recently here in Rochester, NY, another young Marine 23 years old came home in a coffin. The commentator stressed that the Marine would have a full military funeral in Arlington cemetery. And I thought to myself “Well, isn’t that f------ wonderful.” You could hear the young man’s mother sobbing in the background. If only she had not been indoctrinated into the thought that his death had something to do with religion, patriotism, and someone’s freedom that young man would be alive fulfilling the dreams of his life. Kurt Vonnegut wrote about religion and war, and I think his books should be required reading in all high schools. But of course that is never going to happen. Vonnegut was one of the most talented and clever science fiction writers of our time or any time. And if he had not written about the truths of our world; spoken out about religion in a thinly veiled humorous way, he would have been required reading in high schools.

We must stop selling the future of our species for the privilege of grouping with other humans in a nice warm building that has pretty windows, music, and pot luck suppers. For example, I have my own group of like-minded friends for support and camaraderie and would be glad to tell you how you could have that also. I am aware of the needs of humans such as the need to feel part of a group, but there are much better ways to satisfy that need other than making religious leaders wealthy and dooming life on earth for our species not to mention the majority of other species that our stupidity/greed is rushing to extinction. A friend of mine makes stickers that I put on all my mail that read: “Women you can stop war by not supporting god religions.” There are many small ways we can speak out against the senseless slaughter of millions for things like oil wealth and other commodities.

Of course I had to cut many corners in writing this plea for reason because what I have written about spans millions of years. I would suggest for the inquisitive mind that you read for yourself the facts in books such as When God was a Woman, by Merlin Stone, The Alphabet Versus the Goddess by Leonard Shlain, The Language of the Goddess by Marija Gimbutas, The Great Cosmic Mother by Monica Sjoo and Barbara More, and all books by Barbara G. Walker. There are so many books available to people who want to know how society works and how we have arrived at where we find ourselves today. And if you can find it in print,
Sex and Religion in Oppression by Bernard Braxton is a real mind opener.

Any thoughtful comments by open minded individuals who have read some of the above suggested books will be responded to. Also, my blog will be updated from time to time coinciding with the pagan, secular holidays.

P.S. When a country has the mantra of “We must send our youths off to foreign lands to murder strangers to protect our freedoms,” that is not freedom, that is a war state. The TV pundits following that mantra call the poor, young soldiers “our young men and women in uniform.” How many times around the holidays have we heard that we must salute our young men and women in uniform? That is the wealthy trying to make their crimes against our poor families sound softer, less brutal. I have heard that only one member of our Senate and Congress have a son or daughter in the military. The poor youths of our country are protecting the privilege of the few wealthy among us to plunder, they are not protecting your freedom or mine. Freedom comes from a skeptical, logical mind not trapped in mysticism ruled over by a priesthood. Priesthoods equal war state control over the masses. Wealthy rulers and wealthy priesthoods are, of course, a partnership and have been so since their inception. Even in a book about general world history one can see the necessary partnerships that developed between god religions and wealthy national leaders. These are the dots we must connect if our human family has a chance of surviving much longer on this fragile island of life we call Earth.

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